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Tassie uni leads development of world-first device to keep civilians safe

Tassie uni leads development of world-first device to keep civilians safe

A team from the University of Tasmania has set the world standard with the development of a first trace detection device that can be used to identify inorganic explosives in under a minute.

A team from the University of Tasmania has set the world standard with the development of a first trace detection device that can be used to identify inorganic explosives in under a minute.

Defence Industry Minister Melissa Price congratulated Team GreyScan for winning the Defence Science Technology sponsored prize for Outstanding Science in Safeguarding Australia at Wednesday night’s Australian Museum Eureka Prizes in Sydney.

"Until now, it has been impossible to identify trace amounts of inorganic explosives commonly found in homemade devices, which pose a greater risk than conventional explosives due to their easily obtainable components," Minister Price said.

She added, "Team GreyScan’s portable, compact device will assist in safeguarding Australia through its possible use in mass transit locations, such as airports, train stations, cargo and mail handling facilities, and public events." 

The Australian Museum Eureka Prizes are the country’s most comprehensive national science awards, honouring excellence across the areas of research and innovation, leadership, science engagement and school science.

Presented annually in partnership with some of the nation's leading scientific institutions, government organisations, universities and corporations, the Eureka Prizes raises the profile of science and science engagement in the community by celebrating outstanding achievement.

"I also wish to congratulate Defence for supporting the Australian Eureka Prize for Outstanding Science in Safeguarding Australia, which recognises quiet achievers who are not often publicly acknowledged, but whose visionary work impacts upon Australians every day," Minister Price added.