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Henderson precinct master planning underway

Henderson precinct master planning underway

WA Minister for Defence Issues Paul Papalia welcomed the news that master planning for the development of the Henderson shipbuilding precinct has kicked off, which would help boost defence investment in the state. 

WA Minister for Defence Issues Paul Papalia welcomed the news that master planning for the development of the Henderson shipbuilding precinct has kicked off, which would help boost defence investment in the state. 

The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation has engaged the services of Advisian to develop the Strategic Infrastructure and Land Plan in consultation with the Office of Defence West.

Developing a Strategic Infrastructure and Land Plan was identified in the Western Australian Defence and Defence Industries Strategic Plan. The strategic plan outlines ways to grow WA’s defence industry and become a key sector in the local economy.


Defence Issues Minister Paul Papalia welcomed the announcement, saying, “Our aim is for WA to be recognised as the pre-eminent base for all ADF operations in the Indian Ocean, and the Strategic Infrastructure and Land Use Plan is another exciting step forward to realising this vision.”

The plan will identify the short, medium and long-term capability requirements of the Australian Marine Complex in the Henderson precinct. The Department of Defence and other key stakeholders will be involved in the process to ensure all views are taken into account.

It will inform investment decisions to ensure the Henderson precinct remains a leading national naval shipbuilding and sustainment hub.

“This is an exciting development to ensure Henderson meets the requirements for Defence and industry more broadly. As part of this planning, Defence West is committed to engaging with industry and Defence to make sure WA is a reliable partner,” Minister Papalia said. 

This work helps progress the implementation of the state government’s vision for Western Australia to be recognised as the pre-eminent base for all Australian Defence Force operations in the Indian Ocean.

Minister Papalia said, “We want to grow our skilled workforce, and WA is well placed to see a defence industry jobs boom. It is obvious the more contracts that are secured, the more jobs will be created.”

WA has been identified as one of two shipbuilding hubs as part of the Naval Shipbuilding Plan. This planning work will help the state tap into the Commonwealth’s $200-billion investment in Defence capability.

“The jobs will range from apprenticeships for young people to opportunities for senior project managers,” Minister Papalia said.