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PODCAST: Avalon 2017 – A business hunting ground

Avalon 2017 – A business hunting ground
Avalon 2017 – A business hunting ground

With Avalon 2017 looming and over $100 billion in planned investment in the Australian defence aerospace sector, this episode of the Defence Connect Podcast is a must-listen for all defence businesses.

With Avalon 2017 looming and over $100 billion in planned investment in the Australian defence aerospace sector, this episode of the Defence Connect Podcast is a must-listen for all defence businesses.

Executive Manager Industry Development of Avalon 2017, Greg Ferguson, offers his insights on how to plan for Avalon, maximise your opportunities to develop new business contacts at the show and best positon yourself to secure future defence business.

Ferguson expects numerous contracts will be signed at the defence trade exhibition, held 28 February - 5 March 2017. With 600 exhibitors and over 30,000 visitors, including all the primary contractors and foreign defence officials, you’ll need to listen in to find out how you and your business can stand out in the crowd.

Enjoy the show,

The Defence Connect team


Listen to previous episodes of the Defence Connect podcast:

Episode 449: SPOTLIGHT: Leveraging AUKUS to build a credible submarine deterrence, with VADM (Ret’d) Dave Johnson
Episode 448: PODCAST: Assessing the region’s rapidly closing risk window, with Mike Pezzullo
Episode 447: PODCAST: Becoming the world’s most cyber-secure nation, with Cyber Security Minister Clare O’Neil
Episode 446: PODCAST: Local infrastructure – key to delivering Defence capabilities, with Cr Peter Hudson
Episode 445: PODCAST: A growing chorus calls for a national security strategy, with ANU’s Professor John Blaxland
Episode 444: PODCAST: Doing the rounds – the week that was in Defence and defence industry
Episode 443: PODCAST: Unpacking the history of Australia’s defence policy and posture, with Michael Pezzullo
Episode 442: PODCAST: Moving beyond the End of History
Episode 441: SPOTLIGHT: Unlocking Defence performance through infrastructure design, with HDR’s Tim Napper
Episode 440: PODCAST: US Space Force engages with Australian SMEs at AusSpace24