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Blood in the water: Biden’s frailty, decline entice hostile actors in face of declining West
July 26 2024
For many, the real-time decline and rapid deterioration of US President Joe Biden has been a mask slip moment. For others, more concerningly, it has s...
Wait, we have to be a two-fleet nation? Concerns mount as Beijing looks to expand Indian Ocean fleet presence
When established in the 1980s, Australia’s “Two Ocean Policy” sought to essentially establish the nation as a “two fleet” navy capable of...
July 25 2024
Mobilising Australia’s workforce for national defence in time of war
Opinion: Major wars force nations to mobilise as is now evident in Ukraine, Russia, and Israel. If a major Indo-Pacific war erupted as the National Defence Strategy warns is...
July 24 2024
Boots on the ground within a week: Japan issues warning on Taiwan conflict
Despite confidence and assurances that Taiwan and its allies can hold off an invasion from the mainland, the Japanese government has warned that China could land troops in...
July 23 2024
Post-crisis force: Sharpening the tip of the spear with a new-look Special Operations Command
In a post-crisis Indo-Pacific characterised by great power competition and multipolarity, Australia’s special operations forces will be required to hit harder, faster...
July 22 2024
Food security critical to national security, Global Food Forum warns
The old saying that “an army marches on its stomach” has never been more true. In this era of multipolarity and great power competition, the case is more serious...
July 19 2024
Post-crisis force: An integrated, deadly and ‘joint force’ enabling Air Force
In many ways, the contemporary Royal Australian Air Force is an “enabling” body for the rest of the Australian Defence Force, but in a post-crisis era, this role,...
July 18 2024
Post-crisis force: A larger, smarter and more lethal Navy (Part 2)
More than at any point in history, contemporary navies provide nations with a strategic game-changing capability. In a post-crisis era, Australia’s naval capabilities...
July 17 2024
Post-crisis force: A larger, smarter and more lethal Navy (Part 1)
As a maritime trading nation straddling two of the world’s major oceans, the Navy is critical to securing and promoting Australia’s national interests and...
July 16 2024
Fight! Fight! Fight! Why Trump’s immediate response now makes the world a more dangerous place
Opinion: As much of the US and many across the world held their breath as shots rang out in rural Pennsylvania, former President Trump’s immediate response following...
July 15 2024
Post-crisis force: A harder, faster and sharper Australian Army
Following a bloody draw in the Western Pacific leaving both sides savaged and licking their wounds and regrouping, the Australian government of the day begins a rapid process...
July 11 2024
Flashpoints: Assessing the scenarios, the crisis and immediate aftermath of Taiwan and the South China Sea
History has largely been defined by the consequences of flashpoints that dramatically shape the course of an individual, a nation or empire. Today’s multipolar world is...
July 09 2024
NGAD delay and ‘cost-saving’ redesign beg the question, why don’t we partner to build an evolved Raptor?
Revelations by US Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall that the service was seeking to cut costs on the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) fighter program has prompted...
July 05 2024
A changed America and a less constrained president
Opinion: The latest US Supreme Court decision granting US presidents wide-ranging immunities even when committing criminal acts will further divide America, but it also...
July 04 2024
A sorry state of affairs – serious questions raised over ADF’s capability following lacklustre RIMPAC attendance
Despite the lofty rhetoric and ambitious roadmap designed to transform the capability of the Australian Defence Force set out by the government in its program of rolling...
July 03 2024
Extensive review long overdue for Australian Defence Force recruitment
Australian Defence Force recruitment is a complex issue, but if we look at previous years and Defence targets, was that always the case or are we long overdue for an...
July 02 2024
It’s the economy, stupid! Building economic resilience, competitiveness and relationships key to our future
There is this old saying among political pundits and strategists: “It’s the economy, stupid!” This bread-and-butter issue is the key not only to political...
June 28 2024
Alarm bells ring as Philippines backs down in South China Sea over concerns US doesn’t have its back
Increasing antagonism in the waters of the South China Sea has brought the Philippines and the People’s Republic of China to blows over contested makeshift islands and...
June 27 2024
Experts warn UK needs a larger, more lethal Royal Navy in face of mounting global challenges
Despite workforce and budgetary pressures, a group of UK experts have urged the next British government to rapidly begin expanding the Royal Navy to better protect...
June 26 2024
Growing opportunities for Sino-Russian military cooperation poses major challenges: RAND Corporation
The Sino-Russian relationship has only gone from strength to strength since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, and while history may be against it, growing Western...
June 25 2024