ABDI Defence Industry Workshop - Steve Grzeskowiak

Date: Sunday 26 November 2017
Location: Canberra Airport - Gugdenby and Murrimbidgee Rooms

ABDI, in association with Canberra Airport, is delighted Mr Steve Greskowiak has agreed to provide an industry briefing on the current activities of the Defence Estate and Infrastructure Group and where there may be opportunities in the short to medium term for small and medium enterprises.
The Defence Estate and Infrastructure Group has over 9,000 contractors across Australia supporting the operations of the Australian Defence Force and other activities of the Department of Defence.
The Defence Estate and Infrastructure Group awards major contracts in the areas of:
Infrastructure – including the management and delivery of construction services, facilities management and specialist technical services.
Estate Management – More than $700 million per annum is budgeted for estate upkeep and maintenance.  Base services are outsourced to industry to support day-to-day base operations.
General support services – These support services include publishing, printing, housing and relocation services.
Mr Greskowiak will also share his insights into what prime contractors and the Department of Defence are looking for in alliance and related support agreements.  This session will provide members with important information on future commercial opportunities.
Numbers for this event are limited and members are asked to register attendance as soon as possible.