Operation Scale-Up 2021, a defence industry readiness program

Date: Tuesday 6 April 2021
Location: City of Ipswich

cohort-based defence industry scale-up program by Ipswich City Council, register your interest online


In partnership with Rheinmetall Defence Australia, Boeing Defence Australia, Raytheon Australia, Northrup Grumman Australia, Airbus Australia and RUAG Australia, Ipswich City Council is providing mentorship and guidance to businesses that wish to supply to the Defence Industry ecosystem.


Operation Scale-Up is a cohort-based program aimed at supporting regional businesses with practical guidance and know-how to become defence-industry ready.


Participating businesses will receive one-on-one mentoring from a mentor from one of the partner businesses over a three-month period, enabling them to prepare their own defence-ready growth plan.


The program is limited to 24 businesses only and therefore by application. Businesses based in South East Qld, operating for more than two years and with are current ABN are eligible to apply. Applications close on 20 April; so get in fast.