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Forward defence, archipelagic deterrence or continental defence? The reality is a bit mixed
August 30 2023
Despite the findings of the Defence Strategic Review and the seeming reorientation of Australia towards a concept of “National Defence” an...
Intergenerational report reveals mixed bag for Defence spending over long-term
The latest intergenerational report has revealed a mixed bag for Defence spending over the next four decades, raising questions about the nation’s capacity to fund its...
August 29 2023
Enter the multipolar era: BRICS expands members in challenge to world order
We have entered the next stage in the evolution of the multipolar world with the Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS)-led economic and political bloc adding...
August 28 2023
Prepare for a ‘two-front’ war in potential China conflict: Atlantic Council
It is every military planner’s worst nightmare – a war on two-fronts. Now experts from across the US defence and national security community at the Atlantic...
August 25 2023
Learning the historic lessons of deterrence by deception
Deterrence is classically separated into two categories, deterrence by denial and deterrence by punishment, however, deterrence by deception can provide an equally potent...
August 24 2023
China continues expanding influence, presence and power projection across the globe
It is no secret that Beijing has been actively building a global network of economic and military infrastructure, building influence and its presence as part of its march to...
August 23 2023
Yes, the US Navy is ‘still more powerful’ than China, but it is relative
Adjunct professor, Australia-China Relations Institute at UTS, Greg Austin has caused quite the debate highlighting the comparative strength of the US Navy over the...
August 22 2023
Do we need to better utilise our most precious resource?
There is no escaping the fact that the Australian Defence Force is slated to undergo some truly transformative capability developments. However, are we utilising our most...
August 21 2023
We’re an island, for crying out loud! We need a bigger, stronger Navy
It goes without saying that the ongoing debate about the future of Australia’s surface fleet is shaping up to be one of the most contentious decisions in recent memory,...
August 17 2023
Confronting disorder – Who is better prepared, the US or China?
Great power competition is well and truly the flavour of the month, but as the world holds its breath around competition between the US and China, broader international...
August 16 2023
Does China’s slowing economy make them more dangerous?
There is an old saying about the most dangerous animal being the one with nothing to lose – now, with growing concerns about an economic slowdown and mounting...
August 15 2023
Dragon’s treasure: Beijing’s economic indicators reveal a build up, but for what?
In the era of renewed great power competition, the whole-of-nation economic and industrial capacity will provide all competing nations with key strategic advantages over...
August 14 2023
The importance of dual-use technologies for the warfighter
Opinion: In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the defence sector is increasingly looking towards innovation to maintain its edge in an increasingly...
August 11 2023
Chasing dreams: Chinese troops vow to ‘sacrifice’ themselves to achieve Taiwan unification
The airing of an eight-episode documentary series in China, titled Chasing Dreams, has revealed the confronting lengths the men and women of the People’s Liberation...
August 10 2023
Is it time for a ‘militarised’ Coast Guard to ease the burden on Navy?
With the growing debate about the future constitution of the Navy’s surface fleet and speculation about major modernisation programs like the Hunter Class frigates...
August 09 2023
Pot calling the kettle black? Chinese, Russian flotilla circles US territory
In a spectacular case of irony, the US has responded to a joint Russian-Chinese naval exercise in close proximity to the Aleutian Islands off the coast of Alaska, drawing...
August 08 2023
If America’s national security has an ‘economic blindspot’, where does that leave us?
Once the world’s undisputed economic and industrial power, the United States is now facing the potential of multiple equally capable rivals, leaving a glaring...
August 07 2023
Business as usual no longer sufficient: Rebuilding US, allied military power to counter great power rivals
The era of undisputed US and Western military dominance is over as great power rivals increasingly field capabilities of similar quality and quantity, narrowing the edge and...
August 04 2023
Is our India focus a sign Australia is backing the wrong horse again?
Without a doubt, at first glance, Australia’s long-term focused trade relationship with China has largely been mutually beneficial; however, recent renewed antagonism...
August 03 2023
Has anything really changed since the DSR? The jury is still out
Despite the Defence Strategic Review being billed as the most consequential review into our national defence and national security capabilities since the Second World War,...
August 02 2023