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Feature Insights

Is the nuclear subs plan a ‘pipedream’?
November 11 2021
Has Australia bitten off more than it can chew with its latest submarine procurement strategy under AUKUS? ...
Exploiting the information vector, terrorism in 2021
Exploiting the information vector, terrorism in 2021
It’s not a shock. Terror groups have leveraged the information domain to craft political messaging, recruit members and psychologically deter their opposition. How can the...
November 10 2021
Has the will of the Taiwanese been overlooked?
Has the will of the Taiwanese been overlooked?
What political outcomes do the people of Taiwan desire and how can they be achieved? A Lowy Institute analyst explores.
November 09 2021
Are Australia's national security priorities outdated?
Are Australia's national security priorities outdated?
 National security resources must be reallocated to address challenges posed by the modern threat environment, according to one analyst.  
November 05 2021
Rethinking Australia’s ‘magical obsession’ with submarines
Rethinking Australia’s ‘magical obsession’ with submarines
Has Australia’s fixation on procuring next-generation submarines done more harm than good?
November 04 2021
‘Collaborative competition’: Fostering interstate defence cooperation
‘Collaborative competition’: Fostering interstate defence cooperation
Australia’s states and territories are rising to the challenge, supporting the national endeavour to build Australia’s sovereign industrial capability.
November 03 2021
Lessons learned: Afghanistan
Lessons learned: Afghanistan
When the United States launched Operation Enduring Freedom in 2001, few would have envisaged that the US and her allies would occupy Afghanistan for 20 years. Even fewer...
November 02 2021
Responding to China’s emerging missile threats
Responding to China’s emerging missile threats
How can the United States and its allies shore up defence systems in the face of new missile technology developed by the CCP?
October 29 2021
Building sovereign resilience into Australian technology supply chains
Building sovereign resilience into Australian technology supply chains
Jason Van der Schyff, COO of technology company SoftIron, explains how Australia can build sovereign resilience into its critical technology infrastructure.
October 28 2021
Myanmar, ASEAN and the era of superpower competition
Myanmar, ASEAN and the era of superpower competition
Myanmar boycotting ASEAN, ASEAN holding the military junta to account over human rights, and competition between global superpowers in southeast Asia. Read the latest...
October 27 2021
So we’ve scrapped the Naval contract, now what?
So we’ve scrapped the Naval contract, now what?
The French designed Attack Class submarine program has been aborted but a new procurement disaster now looms, writes independent senator for South Australia Rex Patrick.
October 25 2021
Is a CCP-Taiwan conflict imminent?
Is a CCP-Taiwan conflict imminent?
Is Beijing’s intimidation of Taipei a prelude to war or merely a signal to the West? Former US presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan weighs in.
October 22 2021
Hop onboard the AI train
Hop onboard the AI train
Machine learning will not only underpin the future of cyber warfare, but will play an even larger role in target selection and influence the command-and-control continuum....
October 21 2021
Orca program
Opting into the Orca program: A stop-gap undersea warfare solution
With the construction of Australia's new nuclear-powered fleet expected to begin later within the decade, unmanned 'Orcas' can shore-up the Royal Australian Navy’s undersea...
October 19 2021
AUKUS: Shaking up the Indo-Pacific status quo
AUKUS: Shaking up the Indo-Pacific status quo
The AUKUS trilateral partnership between Australia, the UK and the US is a significant step towards countering the rise of China’s interests and increasingly monopolising...
October 15 2021
State of play — Powering ahead with the SEA 5000 project
State of play — Powering ahead with the SEA 5000 project
Three years have passed since the federal government selected BAE Systems Maritime Australia to deliver the Hunter Class frigate program.
October 14 2021
Challenges for the nuclear submarine task force
Challenges for the nuclear submarine task force
What hurdles lie ahead for the nuclear submarine task force? Former Royal Australian Navy officer Christopher Skinner explores. 
October 13 2021
Helping industry reap the benefits of the AUKUS deal
Helping industry reap the benefits of the AUKUS deal
Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price reflects on the new opportunities available to local businesses under the trilateral AUKUS partnership.
October 12 2021
Submerged in scrutiny
Submerged in scrutiny
In mid-September, the Commonwealth government scrapped the much scrutinised SEA 1000 contract in favour of locally built nuclear-powered submarines. So, what led to the...
October 11 2021
Has Biden awoken from an Indo-Pacific slumber?
Has Biden awoken from an Indo-Pacific slumber?
Analysts from the US Studies Centre explore whether the AUKUS deal has signalled the start of a bolder US posture in the Indo-Pacific.
October 07 2021