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PODCAST: Australian defence as a global player, Karen Stanton, HTA Group

Karen Stanton, HTA Group

Having recently returned from Washington after attending the G’Day USA gala Defence dialogue, Karen Stanton, director of corporate and strategy at HTA Group, joins host Phil Tarrant to discuss the transformation of the Australian defence industry.

Having recently returned from Washington after attending the G’Day USA gala Defence dialogue, Karen Stanton, director of corporate and strategy at HTA Group, joins host Phil Tarrant to discuss the transformation of the Australian defence industry.

She will share outcomes from G’Day USA, including why she considers it to be such an important event and look at the exceptional representation of SMEs in this year’s gala. Looking at discussions that took place, she will cover support that is being offered to SMEs and how they can get the best out of the CDIC.

Karen will discuss the release of the Defence Industrial Capability Plan, what that means for Australians involved in the defence industry, and also discuss how international competition has impacted the demise and transformation of manufacturing in Australia over the past two decades.

Enjoy the podcast,
The Defence Connect team

Listen to previous episodes of the Defence Connect podcast:

Episode 449: SPOTLIGHT: Leveraging AUKUS to build a credible submarine deterrence, with VADM (Ret’d) Dave Johnson
Episode 448: PODCAST: Assessing the region’s rapidly closing risk window, with Mike Pezzullo
Episode 447: PODCAST: Becoming the world’s most cyber-secure nation, with Cyber Security Minister Clare O’Neil
Episode 446: PODCAST: Local infrastructure – key to delivering Defence capabilities, with Cr Peter Hudson
Episode 445: PODCAST: A growing chorus calls for a national security strategy, with ANU’s Professor John Blaxland
Episode 444: PODCAST: Doing the rounds – the week that was in Defence and defence industry
Episode 443: PODCAST: Unpacking the history of Australia’s defence policy and posture, with Michael Pezzullo
Episode 442: PODCAST: Moving beyond the End of History
Episode 441: SPOTLIGHT: Unlocking Defence performance through infrastructure design, with HDR’s Tim Napper
Episode 440: PODCAST: US Space Force engages with Australian SMEs at AusSpace24