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PODCAST: Leveraging Indigenous talent in the defence workforce – Craig Williams, Navantia Australia, and Brendan Dumbrell and Hayden Surrao, JLB-Yaran

Craig Williams, Brendan Dumbrell, Hayden Surrao

Navantia Australia and JLB-Yaran recently signed an MOU at Pacific 2019 with the intent of creating and building long-term careers for Indigenous talent in the defence industry.

Navantia Australia and JLB-Yaran recently signed an MOU at Pacific 2019 with the intent of creating and building long-term careers for Indigenous talent in the defence industry.

On this episode of the Defence Connect Podcast, host Phil Tarrant is joined by Navantia Australia’s supply chain Australianisation lead Craig Williams, managing director at JLB-Yaran Brendan Dumbrell, and business development manager at JLB-Yaran Hayden Surrao.

They discuss the benefits of this newly formed relationship in supporting the industry’s workforce, explain why working with traditional land owners is vital to establishing sovereign capability, and outline how these organisations are highlighting the defence industry as an attractive career opportunity for Indigenous Australians.

Enjoy the podcast,

The Defence Connect team

Listen to previous episodes of the Defence Connect podcast:

Episode 449: SPOTLIGHT: Leveraging AUKUS to build a credible submarine deterrence, with VADM (Ret’d) Dave Johnson
Episode 448: PODCAST: Assessing the region’s rapidly closing risk window, with Mike Pezzullo
Episode 447: PODCAST: Becoming the world’s most cyber-secure nation, with Cyber Security Minister Clare O’Neil
Episode 446: PODCAST: Local infrastructure – key to delivering Defence capabilities, with Cr Peter Hudson
Episode 445: PODCAST: A growing chorus calls for a national security strategy, with ANU’s Professor John Blaxland
Episode 444: PODCAST: Doing the rounds – the week that was in Defence and defence industry
Episode 443: PODCAST: Unpacking the history of Australia’s defence policy and posture, with Michael Pezzullo
Episode 442: PODCAST: Moving beyond the End of History
Episode 441: SPOTLIGHT: Unlocking Defence performance through infrastructure design, with HDR’s Tim Napper
Episode 440: PODCAST: US Space Force engages with Australian SMEs at AusSpace24