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Land Forces launches careers and skills forums

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A rapid expansion in Australia’s Defence acquisition program is presenting a range of new career opportunities across a wide range of disciplines.

A rapid expansion in Australia’s Defence acquisition program is presenting a range of new career opportunities across a wide range of disciplines.

Land Forces 2018 has responded to the increasing demand for high-skilled job opportunities by providing a number of forums for teachers, employers, senior secondary students and post and under graduate students.

These forums include: 

  • The Student Information Forum (STEM) will feature key defence industry speakers and young ambassadors who will detail career pathways. This forum is for organised secondary school groups of selected students from years 8 to 12. Following the session, students will have the option to visit the Land Forces Expo and see presentations from participating exhibitors at their stands.
  • Student Professional Participation (university, TAFE) allows undergraduates, postgraduates and TAFE students access to the exhibition to engage with defence industry companies about career paths within their company. 
  • The Professional Development Forum (educators) will be a unique opportunity for VET, science, maths, trade and technology teachers and careers advisers to learn about the career opportunities available in these expanding sectors of employment. Participants will find out where the jobs really are and what skills and training pathways are available. They will hear from young people currently working in these sectors and meet key industry employers.

Land Forces 2018 will afford an opportunity for students and their teachers to compare and appraise various career opportunities in the defence sector.

More information, including registration details for the forums, is available here