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Investors spooked as DroneShield experiences share price pain
Australian counter-drone manufacturer DroneShield has made major investment news with investors spooked and a chaotic share price journey.
July 17 2024
Charles Darwin University bolsters Queensland Defence Science Alliance
The Australian Defence Science and Universities Network has been expanded to include the Northern Territory, bolstering Australia’s Defence research and innovation...
July 17 2024
Bravery Trek challenge opens to support Australian Defence Force troops
Registrations have opened for Bravery Trust’s five-week physical challenge as a unified symbol of support for all who serve in the Australian Defence Force.
July 17 2024
Post-crisis force: A larger, smarter and more lethal Navy (Part 2)
More than at any point in history, contemporary navies provide nations with a strategic game-changing capability. In a post-crisis era, Australia’s naval capabilities...
July 17 2024
Quantum-Systems confirms artificial intelligence drone upgrades deployed to Ukraine
Dual-use reconnaissance drone manufacturer Quantum-Systems has confirmed previously unreleased artificial intelligence sensor upgrades will be deployed to Ukraine.
July 17 2024
Australian parliamentarians tour Newport News Shipbuilding division
A delegation of Australian parliamentarians have been hosted by shipbuilder and all-domain technologies provider HII at the Newport News Shipbuilding division.
July 17 2024
US unveils new F-15EX Eagle II fighters in Air National Guard ceremony
The US Air Force has unveiled two new F-15EX Eagle II fighter jets in a ceremony at Portland Air National Guard Base in the US.
July 17 2024
UK to hold Strategic Defence Review to repair ‘hollowed out armed forces’
UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has pledged to bolster the United Kingdom’s Armed Forces with the launch of a Strategic Defence Review.
July 16 2024
Gamers out it again: Russian tank information leaked to mil-sim forum
Classified military documents have once again been posted online to prove a point in the forums of the popular military sim video game War Thunder.
July 16 2024
New ADF chief to champion recruitment, innovative tech and wellbeing
Newly appointed Chief of the Defence Force Admiral David Johnston will champion recruitment, innovative technology and wellbeing as the first naval officer to lead the...
July 16 2024