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Future Submarine Program seeks EOIs for capital equipment

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Opportunities for Australian companies to contribute to the Future Submarine Program (FSP) have opened up, with Naval Group Australia commencing planning activities for the procurement of capital equipment related to the Submarine Construction Yard (SCY) to be built as part of the FSP.

Opportunities for Australian companies to contribute to the Future Submarine Program (FSP) have opened up, with Naval Group Australia commencing planning activities for the procurement of capital equipment related to the Submarine Construction Yard (SCY) to be built as part of the FSP.

As part of its efforts to meet the objective of maximising the Australian industry participation in the FSP, Naval Group Australia has engaged with the Industry Capability Network (ICN) to release an expression of interest (EOI) seeking Australian companies that may have the capability to design, manufacture and supply the required equipment.

The initial list released earlier this month includes items that are long-lead items required to be defined as part of the design of the SCY, including:

  • large and medium capacity machining machines;
  • shot-blasting and painting booths;
  • horizontal plate rolling machine;
  • low capacity press;
  • plasma cutting machine;
  • water jet cutting machine;
  • rotating cradle; and
  • milling machine.

Once potential companies are identified, there will be a process to short-list those that are able to participate in a formal tender. Further information will be released to those companies that are short-listed. The EOI will remain open until 22 June 2018.

The list released does not include all capital equipment required for the SCY, with future EOIs for the supply of SCY equipment set to be released via the ICN as the SCY schedule progresses.

As of 3 May 2018, Naval Group had engaged with 813 unique companies through the ICN Portal. NSW and Victoria are leading the way with engagement, with 173 companies from each state already engaging with the French ship designer through requests of information, EOIs and requests for information.

South Australia is not far behind, with 166 identified so far, followed by 132 in Western Australia, 102 in Queensland, 33 in Northern Territory, 11 in Tasmania and 23 listed as 'other'.
