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PODCAST: Supporting Australia’s sovereign shipbuilding capability – Steve Robinson and Lee Kormany, Nova Systems

PODCAST: Supporting Australia’s sovereign shipbuilding capability – Steve Robinson and Lee Kormany, Nova Systems

Australia’s pursuit of a continuous shipbuilding industry has been the driving force behind closer integration between defence industry primes and the nations wealth of SMEs. For Nova Systems Steve Robinson and Lee Kormany, supporting the dialogue between the two levels of defence industry is essential to guaranteeing success. 

Australia’s pursuit of a continuous shipbuilding industry has been the driving force behind closer integration between defence industry primes and the nations wealth of SMEs. For Nova Systems Steve Robinson and Lee Kormany, supporting the dialogue between the two levels of defence industry is essential to guaranteeing success. 

In this podcast, Steve Robinson, Nova Systems chief executive Australia and New Zealand, and Lee Kormany, general manager – maritime, land and future systems, join host Phil Tarrant to discuss delivering Australias sovereign shipbuilding and, more broadly, sovereign defence industry capabilities. 

During this podcast, Robinson and Kormany discuss the development of Nova Systems’ local business from an SME to a large Australian defence business and the company’s role in supporting the growth, development and engagement of Australia’s robust SME sector. 


Robinson and Kormany also discuss the transition from uniformed personnel to defence industry and the role of defence industry in supporting veterans as they transition their skills and experience into supporting the next generation of defence capability.

Finally, Robinson and Kormany explain the importance of building and sustaining long-term strategic relationships throughout defence industry and the ADF decision makers as a key multiplier for supporting the development of Australian SMEs and their role in developing a sustainable SME supply chain. 

Enjoy the podcast, 

The Defence Connect team


Listen to previous episodes of the Defence Connect podcast:

Episode 449: SPOTLIGHT: Leveraging AUKUS to build a credible submarine deterrence, with VADM (Ret’d) Dave Johnson
Episode 448: PODCAST: Assessing the region’s rapidly closing risk window, with Mike Pezzullo
Episode 447: PODCAST: Becoming the world’s most cyber-secure nation, with Cyber Security Minister Clare O’Neil
Episode 446: PODCAST: Local infrastructure – key to delivering Defence capabilities, with Cr Peter Hudson
Episode 445: PODCAST: A growing chorus calls for a national security strategy, with ANU’s Professor John Blaxland
Episode 444: PODCAST: Doing the rounds – the week that was in Defence and defence industry
Episode 443: PODCAST: Unpacking the history of Australia’s defence policy and posture, with Michael Pezzullo
Episode 442: PODCAST: Moving beyond the End of History
Episode 441: SPOTLIGHT: Unlocking Defence performance through infrastructure design, with HDR’s Tim Napper
Episode 440: PODCAST: US Space Force engages with Australian SMEs at AusSpace24