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Navy launches new warfighting agency to enhance lethality

Navy launches new warfighting agency to enhance lethality

The Royal Australian Navy has opened a centralised warfighting agency, the Maritime Warfare Centre, designed to enhance Navy’s lethality in times of conflict.

The Royal Australian Navy has opened a centralised warfighting agency, the Maritime Warfare Centre, designed to enhance Navy’s lethality in times of conflict.

The Maritime Warfare Centre merges the Royal Australian Navy Test and Evaluation Authority (RANTEA) and Australian Maritime Warfare Centre (AMWC) into a centralised body to support current and future capabilities to fight and win at sea.

Director of the Maritime Warfare Centre, Captain David Frost, said the centre will provide expanded test and evaluation, tactical development and operational analysis throughout the capability life cycle.


“The First Principles Review and the National Naval Shipbuilding Enterprise has driven Navy to re-think how they provide warfighting support,” CAPT Frost said.

The new Maritime Warfare Centre will ensure Navy is prepared to meet the demands of a rapidly growing modern Navy in partnership with Defence and industry.

CAPT Frost added, "Continuous shipbuilding requires continuous design, testing and tactical development, and Navy is evolving to meet this challenge.

He said the amalgamation of RANTEA and AMWC will take Navy warfighting to the next level.

“We will continue to apply scientific, engineering, and deep warfare experience to understand what our ships, submarines, and aircraft are capable of, and how we can get the most out of them when called upon,” CAPT Frost said.

“We will establish Test and Tactics Development Teams that will support Navy programs from inception to completion. They will plan, collect and analyse data that will inform critical decisions about current and future systems.

“In parallel, warfare program and operational analysis teams will collaborate with agencies to develop plans across sea control, littoral, integrated air and missile defence and information warfare domains.

“These plans will provide the battle rhythm for all trials, ensuring the right systems are tested at the right time to support the right decisions.”

The Maritime Warfare Centre is located at Garden Island, Sydney.