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Tilling the soil: Creating the environment for a successful defence industrial base
December 06 2023
Ask any gardener worth their salt and they will tell you, to get the best results, you have to prepare the soil. Getting any new industry off the grou...
Industry to the rescue? Defence industry presents ‘action plan’
Successive governments on both sides have sought to respond to the challenging geopolitical and strategic environment by nurturing the development of a “sovereign...
December 05 2023
Hubris: Are we going to repeat the same mistakes as Germany?
For the Albanese government’s energy and climate czar, Chris Bowen, the green and renewable revolution is the “golden ticket” at the core of Australia...
December 01 2023
Running on fumes: Pentagon confirms ramped up Middle East ops breaking the bank
Despite protestations from the highest levels, the Pentagon appears to have broken ranks, with a spokesperson revealing that the US is going to struggle to pay for a range of...
November 30 2023
Think China’s PLA is a paper tiger? Think again, warns retired US Marine Officer
Opinion: The Chinese People’s Liberation Army is more capable than the United States cares to admit and only needs to be good enough at a certain time and place to send...
November 29 2023
Eyes on the prize: Xi’s message reasserts Taiwan desire
The recent meeting between US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart, President Xi Jinping, on the sidelines of the 2023 APEC in San Francisco may have heralded an...
November 28 2023
Renewed concerns about ‘overstretched’ capacity of superpower US
Whether in Europe, the Middle East or the Pacific, concerns have once again reared their head about America’s enduring capacity to preserve the post-Second World War...
November 24 2023
Another year, another disappointing revelation about Australia’s stagnating economic competitiveness, resilience
It is no secret that Australia’s economy has been increasingly hollowed out of any real depth or capacity with successive governments promising to address the...
November 23 2023
What if your country needs you one day?
Opinion: At the start of World War One, military recruitment posters stridently announced, “Australians! Your Country Needs You”. Such dark days may return, warns...
November 22 2023
Peace in our time? Assessing the fallout of Biden–Xi’s San Francisco summit
Depending on who you ask, the recent meeting between US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart, Chinese President Xi Jinping, has had some mixed outcomes. While it...
November 20 2023
An AUKUS remix delivering greater military power faster: the B-21 Raider
Opinion: While much of the emphasis around AUKUS is rightfully focused on Australia’s acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines, there are a host of factors that...
November 15 2023
Dust settles on promising, yet unfulfilled Indo Pacific 2023
Defence trade shows are always a mad scramble – there are deals to be done, back-to-back briefings to sprint to, an ever-present threat of politicians sweeping through...
November 14 2023
Muscular superpower or paper tiger? Just how scary is Xi’s China?
A lot has been made of China’s meteoric rise and outward ambitions towards the global order, but is the concern about Beijing’s designs and capacity well placed...
November 13 2023
Access, control of sea essential to Australia’s security and prosperity: Chief of Navy
Australia’s Chief of Navy, VADM Mark Hammond, has used recent media engagement to stress the centrality of the Indo-Pacific’s maritime environs on...
November 10 2023
Pentagon report details increased Chinese military capabilities, emphasis on coercion
The Pentagon’s annual report to Congress has detailed the rapid modernisation and expansion efforts transforming the People’s Liberation Army, emboldening...
November 06 2023
Decline of patriotism, confidence in West impacts willingness to defend ourselves
It is probably the worst-kept secret of our modern society: young people across the Western world have lost faith in their respective nations, the values and principles of...
November 03 2023
Confronting an emboldened new Axis
Across the globe, the post-Second World War order is under direct assault by an emboldened collection of nations committed to overthrowing the global paradigm, replacing it...
November 02 2023
What makes a ‘balanced fleet’ and how do we build one?
With the Defence Strategic Review’s emphasis on developing a “Focused Force”, a push to deliver a “Balanced Fleet” might seem quite...
November 01 2023
Nuke subs no panacea: Australia’s maritime strategy and a ‘balanced’ naval fleet
Australia’s future fleet of nuclear-powered submarines has been heralded as the silver bullet to our tactical and strategic challenges, seemingly leaving the...
October 31 2023
Time is of the essence: The need to wake from our ‘Peace Dividend’ slumber
Time is well and truly of the essence with the heady days of elated victory following the collapse of the Soviet Union now over, yet for some reason, despite the...
October 30 2023