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War of words breaks out across Taiwan Strait as new government sworn in
May 21 2024
Newly inaugurated Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te has kicked off a war of words between the island democracy and its larger communist neighbour, rais...
‘Embarrassed’ former high commissioner warns of Australia’s naval preparedness, capability
Former attorney-general and Australian high commissioner to the United Kingdom George Brandis KC has issued a stark warning to Australians and our policymakers over the state...
May 20 2024
Concerns abound ahead of outcome of world’s largest election
While we’re still sometime off seeing the outcome of India’s general election, concerns are growing across the West about the intentions of incumbent Narendra...
May 17 2024
On the march: Russia, China and partners ready themselves as Ukraine declared ‘world war’
As Russia continues to slowly grind out what is fast becoming a pyrrhic victory in Ukraine, its growing global web of “allies” and partners are rapidly turning...
May 16 2024
Compare the pair: Behind budget 2024’s Defence figures
Despite a raft of new major Defence commitments unveiled in the surface fleet review, National Defence Strategy, and Integrated Investment Program, a deep dive of last...
May 15 2024
All lights and no show: Demystifying the misunderstood world of hypersonic weaponry
“Hypersonic weapon” – it sounds impossibly fast, nearly invincible, and potentially devastating in its destructive power.
May 14 2024
Man v machine: Future of war not all drones and AI, soldiers still matter
Opinion: While much of the focus across the world’s militaries emphasises autonomous and uncrewed systems as a means of adding much-needed mass and to shore up dropping...
May 13 2024
Uncomfortable reality: Trump 2.0, declining US regional power confront Asian allies
Persistent concerns about the return of Donald Trump to the White House have once again reared their heads as Indo-Pacific US allies come to terms with the ongoing decline of...
May 10 2024
Beijing doubles down on strategic ‘reserves’ build-up amid spooked global markets
In a worrying sign for a world already characterised by chaos and conflict, investment analysts have noted an increasingly concerning trend as Beijing continues to expand its...
May 09 2024
The dangerous Chinese military behaviour – time to make a call
Opinion: It shouldn’t be a surprise to hear that a Chinese jet has endangered an Australian Navy helicopter and the lives of its crew by unprofessional flying and...
May 07 2024
Australian society as a fundamental input to defence capability (Part 2)
Opinion: Getting Australian society on board as a true Fundamental Input to Capability (FIC) will prove to be one of the great policy challenges of our time, but getting it...
May 07 2024
Australian society as a fundamental input to defence capability (Part 1)
Opinion: The current list of Fundamental Inputs to Capability (FIC) for the Australian Defence Force is incomplete, being too inwardly focused on what the organisation can...
May 06 2024
We know what’s in, but what’s out? Assessing the reprioritisations and the ‘cuts’ of the IIP and NDS (Part 5)
We’ve made it! We have saved arguably the most important components of the 2024 National Defence Strategy and Integrated Investment Program, enabling elements like...
May 02 2024
We know what’s in, but what’s out? Assessing the reprioritisations and the ‘cuts’ of the IIP and NDS (Part 4)
In the era of information-driven conflict, linking together the system of systems that the modern defence apparatus has become is as important as kinetic effectors, something...
May 01 2024
With NDS and IIP out of the way, we’re still no closer to understanding what is meant by ‘Impactful Projection’
It is the cause du jour for Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Richard Marles: “Impactful Projection”. But despite the release of the National Defence...
April 30 2024
We know what’s in, but what’s out? Assessing the reprioritisations and the ‘cuts’ of the IIP and NDS (Part 3)
In a major departure from traditional Australian air power, both the National Defence Strategy and Integrated Investment Program have called on the Royal Australian Air Force...
April 29 2024
We know what’s in, but what’s out? Assessing the reprioritisations and the ‘cuts’ of the IIP and NDS (Part 2)
Navy has undoubtedly been the biggest beneficiary of Australia’s shifting defence and national security policy over the last few years, with the 2024 National Defence...
April 26 2024
We know what’s in, but what’s out? Assessing the reprioritisations and the ‘cuts’ of the IIP and NDS (Part 1)
Following much anticipation, we now have our first National Defence Strategy (NDS) and supporting Integrated Investment Program (IIP). But what exactly is in and what is out...
April 24 2024
Despite naysayers and fears of decline, US global leadership still has a role to play: Retired US admiral
For many, it sounds like an antiquated idea, something better confined to the dustbin of history, a world devoid of US primacy and leadership; for others, it is the worst...
April 23 2024
Footing the bill: ‘Peace dividend’ politicians, public struggle to adapt to the dangerous new world
By now, the post-Cold War myth of a “peace dividend” has been well and truly proven false. With authoritarian and revisionist powers on the march across the globe...
April 22 2024