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Japan has the guts to call a spade, a spade
July 31 2023
Japan doesn’t mess around or mix words in their newest Defense of Japan 2023 white paper. ...
Redback, industrial diversification, nation building and the opportunities
Much of the commentary surrounding the success of Hanwha’s Redback family of infantry fighting vehicles in the lucrative LAND 400 program has directly focused on the...
July 28 2023
UK Defence Command Paper heralds reorientation towards counter great power competition
Amid rising tensions in Europe and across the globe, the United Kingdom has officially launched their own white paper, titled, “Defence’s response to a more...
July 26 2023
Developing an Allied Nations Defense Industrial Base Accelerator
Opinion: Bringing together like-minded nations across the Indo-Pacific goes beyond the material advantages we expect, with the diversity of thought, innovation ecosystems and...
July 24 2023
Balancing? Hedging? How the Indo-Pacific has responded to China
In 2005, offensive realist John Mearsheimer wrote in The Australian that states in the Indo-Pacific would join a US-led alliance system out of concern for a growing and...
July 24 2023
What exactly do we mean by ‘unilaterally deter any state’?
With the long-awaited DSR breaking the mould and shaking up Australia’s strategic policy with the proclamation that we must “develop the capability to...
July 21 2023
IFV cooperation tapped as cornerstone for upgrading Australia-South Korea strategic alliance
South Korean and Australian government representatives and politicians spoke with one voice on 19 July in Seoul to further enhance economic and defence ties between the two...
July 20 2023
Analysis reveals urgent need for realistic view of munitions requirements
Ukraine’s rapid depletion of Western munitions stockpiles has revealed the lack of depth in our collective magazines, with questions lingering over just how many...
July 19 2023
Looking abroad for inspiration to shape Australia’s response to great power threats
Australia’s shift to a policy of “impactful projection” has been heralded as a major departure from the previous “continental” strategy for...
July 18 2023
Assessing the allied precision munitions stockpile and building much needed capacity
The war in Ukraine has revealed an uncomfortable truth about the Western world’s stockpiles of precision-guided munitions, a key force multiplier responsible for...
July 17 2023
What can we expect from the upcoming naval surface fleet review?
With the Australian Navy’s surface fleet review front and centre for many in the Defence policy community, what can we expect, and better yet, what should we expect...
July 14 2023
Beyond headlines, German Boxer deal is a model for future Australian reshoring
Amid the hype and rhetoric around the successful “in-principle” agreement for Australia to provide Germany with Boxer heavy weapon carrier vehicles built in...
July 12 2023
Is it time to reassess the traditional ‘weight classes’ of global power?
Global power has traditionally been dominated by the great powers, with middle powers serving as their faithful “subjects” and enforcers of the global order of...
July 10 2023
Time to be realistic about India’s role and designs for the multipolar world
India has been widely identified as the last great hope of the post-Second World War geopolitical order as it seeks to balance the increasing power and ambitions of Beijing,...
July 07 2023
Overslept: Australia waking up last in Defence recruitment race
There’s clear evidence that Australia is losing the Defence recruitment race and the gap is widening each year.
July 06 2023
Active measures: Is it time to shift our northern bases from passive to active defenders?
With renewed focus on the Defence estate and infrastructure across northern Australia to better support the delivery of “impactful projection” throughout the...
July 05 2023
‘Fighting weight’, amphibious flexibility and pivoting to counter great powers
Long considered America’s first responders, the Marines are knee-deep in a monumental restructuring as part of “Force Design 2030” that will see the Devil...
July 04 2023
In Focus: We have to be committed to building our industrial capacity
There is an old saying stating, “Logistics wins wars” and the Second World War proved that spectacularly, however as the West, including Australia, has let its...
July 03 2023
Is short-termism constraining Australia’s long-term prosperity and security?
It is one of the most contentious issues in Western politics — short-termism in policy making and delivery, and Australia is no different, but is this approach...
June 30 2023
Mass still critical to winning the fight: UK Chief of General Staff
The British Chief of the General Staff (CGS), General Sir Patrick Sanders, has issued a timely warning for the British Armed Forces and more broadly, allies across the globe,...
June 29 2023