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Indonesia transfers rifles, handguns, ammunition to Cambodia
September 02 2024
Indonesia has transferred crates of rifles, handguns and ammunitions under a military assistance package to Cambodia. ...
Critical incident helicopters delivered to Queensland Health
Two new critical incident helicopters that will conduct life-saving aeromedical evacuations will be operational across the Torres Strait within a matter of months, after...
August 30 2024
Thomas Global Systems establishes defence simulation, training tech specialist unit
Thomas Global Systems has established a specialist business unit dedicated to delivering defence simulation and training technology.
August 30 2024
Beijing’s economic slowdown spells trouble for Australia’s already stagnant, unproductive economy
With strong global headwinds battering the still fragile post-COVID economy, the last thing Australia needs is a slowdown in its primary trading partner and primary strategic...
August 30 2024
US Army locks in 2024 production contract to replenish Javelin missiles
The US Army has awarded the Javelin Joint Venture a follow-on fiscal year 2024 production contract for Javelin missiles and associated equipment and services, with total...
August 30 2024
Universal Field Robots acquired by Swedish multinational Sandvik
Autonomous interoperable solution developer Universal Field Robots has been acquired by Swedish multinational engineering company Sandvik.
August 30 2024
Australia‑Indonesia Defence Cooperation Agreement signed to strengthen security ties
Australia and Indonesia have strengthened security ties with the signing of the Australia‑Indonesia Defence Cooperation Agreement in Indonesia.
August 30 2024
Industry partners sign Destroyer Enterprise charter
The Destroyer Enterprise charter has been officially signed by Defence Australia, Thales, BAE Systems Australia, Lockheed Martin Australia, Saab Australia, Raytheon Australia...
August 29 2024
Chemical warning device developed for Defence applications
A thumb-sized device capable of providing early warning for chemical threats is being developed for Defence and other applications.
August 29 2024
Peace, stability and President Harris
Opinion: Not since the Cold War has the US-led global order been under such immense pressure. With an impending election, how will global peace and stability fare under a...
August 29 2024
Tabletop wargame rolled out to Australian Army units
More than 100 tabletop wargame kits have been distributed to Army units under an initiative led by the Australian Army Battle Lab.
August 29 2024
Rohde & Schwarz Australia secures Hunter frigate communications contract
The Royal Australian Navy’s first three Hunter Class frigates will be fitted with Rohde & Schwarz’s NAVICS communications technology under a contract with BAE...
August 29 2024
Enthusiasts create Operation White Tiger 2 military simulation in Queensland
Gel blaster enthusiasts have enacted their own war-like military simulation exercise during an Operation White Tiger 2 event in Queensland.
August 29 2024
Downer unveils scholarships for veteran families
Children and grandchildren of Australian veterans will be encouraged to pursue tertiary education with the unveiling of the Downer Defence Veterans’ Family...
August 29 2024
ADF troops deployed to defuse ordnance in the Solomon Islands
A multinational contingent led by the Australian Defence Force has arrived in Solomon Islands to safely dispose of dangerous explosive remnants of war under Operation Render...
August 28 2024
Rising tide lifts all boats: Aggregating Aussie, Kiwi acquisition, sustainment and training
In the double-edged era of mounting geopolitical challenges and tightening budgets, like-minded nations are going to need mechanisms for maximising efficiencies and value for...
August 28 2024
Industry calls for greater awareness of repetitive blast wave effects on ADF personnel
Defence industry representative and former clearance diver Daniel Pace has called for greater awareness of brain injuries sustained by Australian Defence Force personnel...
August 28 2024
Military law experts anticipate confronting results in Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide
Military law experts are anticipating confronting results from the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide of Australian veterans, which has now concluded its...
August 28 2024
Blacktree Technology opens new electronics workshop in WA
Australian defence satellite communications specialist Blacktree Technology has unveiled a new electronics workshop in Western Australia.
August 28 2024
Armor Australia to supply Light Torso Protective System to NZDF
NSW ballistic protection systems manufacturer Armor Australia has announced it will supply “Light” Torso Protective System to the New Zealand Defence Force.
August 28 2024