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I’m sorry, but the West is losing the cognitive war
March 30 2023
Internal polarisation and a perceived inability to project soft power will put the US-led alliance system at risk of abandonment ... until the West ca...
Prudence demands planning for a Plan B in a potential post-American world order
There is a saying relating to economics that goes, “When America sneezes, the world catches a cold”, signalling the centrality of the United States to the world’s...
March 29 2023
Avoid the mistakes of the past and build what we need, we can sort out the rest later
With speculation that the upcoming Defence Strategic Review will see some cuts to programs to reallocate funding for other programs, we can’t help but ask, will cutting...
March 27 2023
Common AUKUS-designed submarine would be best industrial and economic option
Opinion: With the conversation around Australia’s nuclear submarine options of either Astute or Virginia Class boats now decided with the government identifying a pathway...
March 24 2023
Will ‘impactful projection’ see the return of the fixed-wing Naval Air Arm?
Australia’s pursuit of “impactful projection” marks a major step change in the nation’s strategic direction and capabilities — as part of this shift, will we see a...
March 23 2023
More to be done to secure Indo-Pacific prosperity: UTS academic
Nothing in life is guaranteed and nowhere is this a truer statement than in the realm of economic prosperity and stability, particularly in the hotly contested environs of...
March 22 2023
Are we making the wrong assumptions with our DSR?
While the concept of “impactful projection” is expected to form the foundation of the much anticipated Defence Strategic Review, some strategic thinkers, like Austin...
March 21 2023
Is AUKUS Australia’s coming of age moment or is there more work to be done?
Australia’s participation in the trilateral AUKUS agreement and the planned acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines has been billed as a “coming of age” moment for...
March 17 2023
Let’s get real, why are we still listening to Paul Keating?
There, I said it. Former prime minister and long-time pearl clutcher, Paul Keating, has used an address to the National Press Club to launch a scathing attack on the recent...
March 16 2023
Preparing to assess the fallout of the Defence Strategic Review
Despite the hype still settling following the AUKUS submarine announcement, our focus must shift to preparing to conduct a detailed analysis of the forthcoming Defence...
March 15 2023
‘Age of American naval dominance is over’, retired US naval officer warns
Ahead of the transformative AUKUS announcement, retired US Navy officer Jerry Hendrix has issued a concerning warning for the US and its global allies, that “The United...
March 14 2023
‘History has a way of correcting anomalies’, Beazley warns our path ahead won’t be easy
There is an old Chinese proverb, “May you live in interesting times”, and the world in which we live in is certainly delivering, yet the peace, prosperity, and stability...
March 13 2023
Exclusive: MAJGEN King sets record straight on Black Hawk acquisition
MAJGEN Jeremy King, Head Land Capability at the Department of Defence, sits down with Defence Connect’s Liam Garman to dispel the myths surrounding the Australian Army’s...
March 10 2023
By all means buy off the shelf, but build sovereign industry as well
With growing speculation the upcoming Defence Strategic Review will call for expedited, off-the-shelf acquisitions to beef up capability across the services rapidly —...
March 09 2023
Enduring partnerships key to regional stability: UK Chief of Air Staff
In an increasingly multipolar world, historic links with like-minded nations will prove pivotal in responding to global threats like the Russian invasion of Ukraine, writes...
March 06 2023
A nuclear South Korea and the Indo-Pacific
Amid rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula and more broadly across the Indo-Pacific, many nations have responded with drastically increased defence capabilities — South...
February 27 2023
In defence of democracy, Australia must become a serious nation
No matter where one looks, the democratic world is besieged — at home, we face the challenges of increasingly polarised populations, abroad, we face the growing question...
February 24 2023
‘It is about decision superiority’: Networks fundamental to delivering impactful projection
With the ADF actively pursuing the development and fielding of an “integrated” joint force, Defence Connect’s latest webcast, hosted in partnership with Northrop...
February 23 2023
Teeth v Tail: The DSR, ADF, and manpower
It is one of the central sticking points at the core of Australia’s tactical and strategic military capabilities: manpower — with the Defence Strategic Review set...
February 22 2023
Defence Connect’s DSR priorities for delivering ‘impactful projection’
With just weeks from the public release of the Defence Strategic Review, the Defence Connect editorial team has compiled their list of outcome priorities they believe should...
February 20 2023